How to Play

  1. Guess the anime based on six image clues.
  2. Each new image is a bigger hint to the right answer.
  3. Type within the searchbox for an anime and select from within the list.
  4. No guess? No problem just hit the skip button to try and get a better idea!

Hello! よー!

  1. Anime Guess is a daily puzzle game inspired by Wordle, Framed, and GuessTheGame
  2. Every 24hrs a new set of images will be shared from an anime. These images will hopefully help you identify the aesthtic, character, context, and eventually the title of the anime.
  3. All Titles of anime will be in the Romaji and will match the answers as such. However, you can still type in the english title or other synonym while seaching. This will give you the Romaji title followed by the closest matching synonym.
  4. Eg. Kimi no Na wa [Your Name]
  5. We strive to create a game that is fun to play, challenging, and fufilling for individuals and communities. As such we will make selections for anime that are relevant to a large and diverse group of anime watchers (young, old, otaku, or casual). There will be a number of challenging selections as well easier answers and we hope that either way we can satisfy many players with exciting puzzles.
  1. Additional Info:
  2. This Project is Open Source and can be viewed by clicking the github logo in the top left corner of the screen. If the game grows in popularity we will implement a feature to take in community submissions until then all the puzzles will be designed by us. This game is also currently in Alpha and is subject to change drastically at anytime, thanks for playing!
🎉 Thank you for one year of AnimeGuess! 🎉
We will be on temporary hiatus; New days will not be added but previous days will remain active!